Super Single Mum's Blog

Life and all the shananigins!

The wonderful half term feeling!

It’s once again that wonderful time of year, where the kids get a week off and us parents get bored silly!!! February 13th 2009 by -JosephB-.

Now before I start, don’t get me wrong, I love my kids to bits – I just want to clarify that point before I continue!

On Friday I picked up B from school and we were both excited about the week off ahead. Lets face it, I was excited at the prospect of not having to get up and out the house early, and the slight possibility of a lie in (fat chance with H!) B was excited about no school, being able to stay in bed in the mornings and just playing all week. H on the other hand was just facing normality as she isn’t yet at school and until I start work in a few weeks, is at home all the time anyway!

So far we are on day 3 of the 9 days off. So far B hasn’t stayed asleep past 7am. On a school morning I have to shake her awake at 7.30am! I am fed up of “can I have”, “can I watch TV”, “I’m bored”, “what can I do” and we have so much longer to go!!! And what am I doing to stay sane? Playing my farming game on Facebook! Not constantly, fat chance of that lol! But enough that B just told me I should get off the laptop if I have a headache because it will make it worse!

B has finally got the idea today that the TV is not going on, and when H wakes from her nap we are going to walk to the shop just to get out the house for a bit. Oh hang on, we spent all morning at Let’s Play, oh yes that’s right, H was in a strop as it was too busy for her and all she wanted to do was eat chocolate! Might take a rain check, or rather a snow check on that trip to the shop, yep, here comes the snow again!

I can’t help but think roll on bedtime and then feel like a completely awful mother because I have no idea how to keep a 7 year old entertained. Summer holidays are great, the weather is better and we can go on day trips out, or play in the garden. But with the large-ish age gap and a 7 yr old and 18 month old to keep occupied I am feeling a little out of my depth for the 1st time since having 2 kids! H wants to play with what ever B has, B wants to play with things her sister can’t touch, and both of them want to shout at me about it!

Before I know it B will be back at school and I will be starting work, and life will rarely be like this again. Holidays when I’m not working we will get out and do more because I will have wheels and the money to do it. Mabe thats why I am feeling it this week! But any suggestions on how to keep sane for the rest of the week are greatly appreciated!!!

Picture from by  -JosephB-

February 15, 2010 Posted by | Parenting, School and Childcare | , , , | 8 Comments